About Me

I am Wendy in the sense that everyone who had an imaginative childhood must someday grow up. I went from witch princess grand architect to art school student, home owner, and happy wife. However amidst bills and appointments sometimes I find Neverland is still there, I just have to look for it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

I believe in fairies

          It isn't cool to believe in God anymore. It's just not. It wasn't ever really that cool. Honestly I've been made fun of for being Mormon my whole life. So it never surprises me when someone reacts in disgust to my beliefs. That doesn't bother me, it's always happened and it's always going to happen as long as I'm on this Earth. Maybe even after this life considering I believe people are going to have the same personality in the next life as they do here. However there is something that bothers me about the world lately. There is a complete refusal to accept anything that might be based in illogical reasoning. In other words people don't believe in fairies anymore.
          Even  religious people these days claim they can use reason to explain God. It's impossible but they try because being religious would be much more popular if you could prove there's a God. There's so many things religious people do that are just "because God said so". There's no good reason for gay people not to get married, it doesn't make sense to wait til you're married to have sex, there's no relationship between drinking and smoking and being a bad person. The only logical part of my lifestyle are the parts that agree with general ethics. Like not stealing, not killing, not lying, etc. These rules just make it so society can succeed as a whole. However There's no logical sensible reason behind keeping most of the rest of the commandments , and I don't see anything wrong with that. My favorite part of being religious is that I don't have to have everything figured out. I can just have faith. Faith that there's more after we die, that there's more behind cells than numbers and formulas.
           So yeah you're right, I have no good reason to disagree with gay marriage. God said that's not what he wants for society and that's good enough for me. Does it suck for gay people? Of course it does.It also sucks for everyone that cares about gay people including myself. It also sucks God said I can't have tattoos. I'm an artist, i would love to cover myself in art. Are people that have tattoos bad? Nope! Am I going to be sinning if I get a tattoo?Yes.  Does that pale in comparison with being expected to not marry who you love. Yes, and I know it does, but it's just an example of what it means to live by a different law.  I'm ok with it. I really am. I want to believe in fairies, I want to be illogical when it comes to faith.
           I'm ok with it because logic would say, after death there is only oblivion, after suffering there is only silence. Logically the brain stops and that's it. I'm not ok with that. It doesn't matter how much I think through it. I can't say I don't think there's more after this. No matter how much science I learn I still can't say, I don't think there's a God. It's hard to be religious, but I prefer it to thinking that after so many people suffer so much in this world,  there's no greater reward for them in the next life. So go ahead burn me at the stake, I'd rather be hated than believe anything else.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Sign in Space by Italo Calvino

          First of all this chapter requires effort to understand but it's really interesting. https://learningsuite.byu.edu/plugins/Upload/fileDownload.php?fileId=1fa943cc-hltV-xs1K-1H9v-Tw881d6f00f1
           Second it's been a really long time since I've posted anything and I'm pretty mad at myself for it because I was doing really well. Sometimes I wish if I was going to fail at something I wouldn't have moments of success at it so that I wouldn't be so let down when I did finally fail.
           I am going to discuss the article but since it's been so long I have news items I'd like to put out there.
           I am finally in an actual bachelor's program at BYU so I will actually graduate college after all. ( yay! small confetti popper sound) I did not get into illustration or design but I am in the the 2-D studio art program and although it's not exactly what I want to go into, I think a more fine art production education will serve me well. Also Europe and the Carribean were great and I definitely suggest going to either to anyone. Just make it happen, it's worth it.
          Ok the chapter...
           It's about the creative process and creativity. It discusses these things through the perspective of an unknowm entity in an unknown galaxy type space who learns the ability to create. Just a sign to start with then fancier signs all the while other entities are learning the same ability.
           We discussed it in my New Genre class and I didn't get to say what I thought because I rarely talk in class. There was a question posed about whether or not it was discouraging to think of the amount of ideas and talents out there when faced with creating. My opinion was that it was neither discouraging or encouraging but  was instead truthful. Either you can be overwhelmed by the competition or you can keep up and keep creating.
            The chapter also described hindering other artists by not sharing secrets in order to remain original. My thoughts on this are that is has never been beneficial to be in competition with other artists as similar as they may be. Michelangelo destroyed his Pieta by carving his name into a sash across Mary's chest which he did because the general public assumed the sculpture to be by a competing peer of his. He regretted that action for the rest of his life. Now hundreds of years later people still pray in front of this statue. The lesson learned is that being jealous and worrying about what other artists are doing rather than using their art to grow only sends you backwards in your creativity.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A New Calling

          Everyone wonders what it is they were put on this Earth to do, and many wonder for as long as they're here. However I do think there are some things everyone is meant to be a part of. I am speaking of general wrong righting, easing the suffering of others, and meaningful companionship. These three things I believe are the main ingredients for a meaningful life.
          Whether late in the game or not (everyone's journey must be their own), I am finding myself in need to discuss  the treatment of the LGBTQ community within the LDS Church. The inspiration for this post came from a very good article that I would suggest to anyone as an insightful read.
          This post is my response to this article.
          First I would like to say I'm sorry if I have ever been the reason anybody has ever felt ignored or unwelcome at church. If I have caused damage it would not be because I attacked anyone but because I did not take action when I should have. A lack of action can be just as damaging as I am well aware.
          Next I would honestly like to ask what it is I and others in the church not bearing these particular trials need to do? Here is a list of more specific questions to help guide conversation
          1. As a primary teacher do I need to stop telling the children things like "When you are mommies and daddies...", and "when you get married..." because those are clearly not blessings that are going to be offered to everyone in this life, and that includes other factors besides SSA. Or do we continue to simplify the gospel to them in the most rudimentary form as we do for all gospel principles?
          2. If our children, friends, or family leave the church and pursue a homosexual relationship or marriage because it is beyond their faith to go without such things, do we really need to worry about their salvation?And, as we do with other people who leave the church for other reasons, do we encourage them to change their ways and return to church?
          3. Doctrinally speaking as we offer the comfort that there are many things Heavenly Father will make up for in the eternities, does that mean gay relationships will be accepted in the next life? Do we even need to know that right now?
          4.  When do we get answers and why don't we have them yet?
          5. All people experience many trials and that is life, but why this trial?
          6. Do I ask these questions at all or am I simply being offensive because I have no idea what it's like?
          7. Is there a possibility that the church is ever going to have a prophecy revealing that acting on homosexuality is not a sin? How would we handle that knowledge knowing the current and very strong stance of the church?
          These are just some of my own questions and I'm sure I will come up with more. This is really the first post on this blog that I actually hope anyone responds to.
          I will also say to the LGBTQ community that you are not alone in finding disappointment in the bishop's office. It is simply a hard fact of life that faith cannot be found in other members of the church but must be a result of a personal relationship with the savior. I will also say if anyone makes you feel guilty, broken, or confused then I am perfectly confident in assuring you that person is in fact wrong. Even if that person is a stake president. Being made to feel guilty or broken is not how the savior would have you feel under any circumstance.
          Finally I feel the need to say let me be that person. If you need someone to talk to, confide in, feel accepted by, present theories to, I'm your girl. Don't be alone in your feelings. We weren't put on this Earth to ignore the feelings of others, and we were not put on this Earth to struggle alone.
          One more thing. Bishops are often wrong but I also strongly believe that the leaders of this church have a deep seeded love for all of God's children and I don't think we should give up on them.
          And one more thing. I am ready to listen. However if you wish to discuss with me things that are contrary to the official proclamations and stances of the church I will listen, I will not judge, and I will still love you and be your friend, but I will not become anti-mormon on your behalf. Do what you need to do but in turn let me do as I need.
          Let's do this people, let's be better.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


          It's finally happening we are leaving on a 2 week Europe trip tomorrow! I have never been that far from home and I am equal parts excited and nervous. We are flying in to Amsterdam making our way down to Italy and up to Prague and we come home from there.
          It makes me realize how lucky I am to be married to someone with similar dreams. I know some people who would love to travel but their spouse just doesn't prioritize it and it never happens. Serious travel definitely requires a team effort. There's no way either of us would be able to do it all alone.
          One of my many wishes is to see as much of this world as possible before I have to leave it. Earth really is a beautiful place and in all honesty people have only made it more beautiful and interesting with the development of cities.
          I'm especially excited to see some of the older cities that have so much history. These places are worth visiting just for the architecture but then they have such an old culture that there's always something to experience as well.
          I hope my husband and I can find the inspiration we need for whatever it is we need to do next. I will update as soon as we get home.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Such is life...

          My husband and I are once again questioning what we would like to do with our lives. It's heartbreaking to think that all the money we spent, that was earned with so many hundreds of hours of life sucking time at work, was wasted on things we didn't really care about. However, what is the other option- be poor and miserable? or at least admit that it would be a little bit better if we were at least rich and miserable? Either way the miserable part kind of kills me.
          I guess we are having one of those stuck moments and none of the options we currently see have any sort of happy ending. Don't get me wrong, we know we have a relatively easy existence, you know healthy, fed, sheltered,but not facing any life threatening illness and not having to struggle for survival leaves us with opportunity. Some people might consider us ungrateful for our general good fortune, you know- home ownership, relatively functioning marriage, some semblance of purpose, but the truth is we genuinely feel a responsibility to do something other than exist.
         Yes I am accusing people who work their lives away of just existing. Nobody enjoys going to work everyday...nobody. Therefore I do not want to work my life away, because I have the very ungrateful and pretentious dream to be genuinely happy. It's not going to happen while my husband is battling managerial and customerial douchebaggery every day.
          In fact I don't think that my husband and I are being ungrateful when we admit to ourselves that our daily game of pay the bills and buy groceries is not cutting it. I believe that it is a generally accepted idea that when you feel like something is missing it probably is. I look at our life and I really do think something is not there. We don't have children yet and I believe children will fill some of the emptiness, but again feeding babies just doesn't seem like the end of the happy ending to me. That of course leaves my duty to God. Yes mother I know Jesus is always the answer, but seriously I think he'd be ok with me finding  more purpose in my life than even being a studious church goer can provide.
          The unsatisfying end to this post is simply that I want happiness and fulfillment and 6 years into my official adult life, I only know a few ways not to find it. I'm changing everything again and I have no choice but to be ok with it, because the alternative is simply unacceptable. The one achievement I feel certain of is that  I'm officially over the great American Lie. Working hard and going to school will not give you satisfaction. It will give you a job. An underpaying, underbenefitting, underappreciating, overworking, soul sucking job. That is not a dream. At least knowing where not to look makes it possible to start looking elsewhere.
         Also if I go bankrupt because we've spent too much money on school that we will never use,-my husband is a banker and we know that bankruptcy is fairly easy to overcome. You can thank a government that caters to an entitled generation for that. I'm kidding I don't want to go bankrupt, but seriously if that's the worst thing that happens to my family because we were trying to find real happiness, so be it, I guess. Although it greatly pains my  working class upbringing to say that.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Knowing Who You Are

          It's been a while again since I posted anything. I read somewhere the other day that the most evil lie  told is "I am a victim of my circumstances". I agree that this is indeed evil as it goes against basic gospel doctrines, such as overcoming the natural man, do not fear, and choose to be happy. Those are summarized obviously. I think my favorite part of being an adult is that I know what I need to do to be a better person. Childhood is a wonderful place to be but there is not fulfillment in this life in innocence and wonder alone. Life is harder as an adult but it also has more potential.
          There I go again using my blog title directly for inspiration.I'm actually enjoying all the thoughts I have as I compare my adult life to my childhood. There is a certain balance and steadiness in knowing your lifelong struggles. I will probably always struggle with laziness, not that I can't overcome it but I will always prefer laying in the sun and doing nothing to accomplishing house work. I think knowing who you are is knowing who you're not.
          That must be why it takes so long. Personally I've chased a lot of dreams watched them burn and then decided I was going to art. Unlike some, I will never wonder if I was supposed to do something else. Or if I'm just stuck doing what I am doing because I've been doing it for so long. I spent my entire teenage years telling myself I was going to be a fire fighter.-Nope not touching that one with a ten foot pole. Then a nurse-not even close. An astronomer-only in hobby. Musician-again only when I'm not being forced to do it. And then finally out of nowhere art. And art it is. I love everything about creating things no one has ever thought of before and I will never get tired of it. I am an artist because I can't possibly be anything else.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Another Grown Up Problem

          I didn't think I'd get as much inspiration as I do from my blog title when I started, but I'm going to talk about the difference between childhood and being a grown up yet again. While I was running yesterday I felt all of my worries and stresses smother me for a few minutes and I wished for a moment that I could go back to when I didn't have to worry about anything. The problem is I never appreciated having no worries while I didn't and barely had time to catch my breath when adulthood started. I realize that's how it is for a lot of people but I do find it very ironic. We spend all of growing up wishing we were done already and we spend our entire adulthood wishing we had less responsibility.
          Yesterday I also realized that even if given the chance I wouldn't go back. Even with all of my mistakes I've worked hard and accomplished a lot of things that I was relieved to be done with. I don't want to do it again I want to just keep going. Which is rather convenient as that is really the only option available. I was also terribly grateful for my husband all day yesterday and he is truly wonderful. However that made me realize that  all this wonderful clarity I was experiencing was due to a timely rush of hormones. Oh grown up life you are nothing if not a roller coaster.