About Me

I am Wendy in the sense that everyone who had an imaginative childhood must someday grow up. I went from witch princess grand architect to art school student, home owner, and happy wife. However amidst bills and appointments sometimes I find Neverland is still there, I just have to look for it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kittens in a Woodpile

          What is it about small helpless things that makes them absorb all of the time, money, and energy around them? This week my husband and I rescued 3 kittens in a brush pile, 2 of which were blind from eye infections. Without thinking about what would come next we built a ply-wood shelter from scraps and took these poor little things away from their mother and the elements. It's been 6 days, and so far we've spent $130 on medicine, $10 of food, and hours and hours and hours of time on these little guys. We're not even going to keep them, we're going to adopt them out because we already have two cats. Why did we do it? We just couldn't do anything else. We saw them wandering around and we couldn't think of anything else until they were safe in our care. I won't claim that I always do things like this because I definitely don't. There's just something ingrained in human nature that sees a baby creature  in need and simply has to act. Well whatever reason it was that suddenly made me decide $130 dollars wasn't too much money for eye gel and antibiotics I'm glad for it. It has been beyond fulfilling to watch them all get strong and healthy and ready for a family all their own. By the way the kittens that were blind are much better now. They can both see! One is completely recovered, and even though the other will probably have impaired vision for the rest of his life, he looks like he's going to be a happy, healthy and very playful cat.

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